Introducing: What if it all works out?
I'm excited to share this new 8-week newsletter series with you! It's about the "what if’s" that so many of us struggle with: What if I make the wrong decision? What if they don’t like me? What if something really bad happens?
I’m going to tackle one “what if” each week, both how I’m struggling with it and also how I’m learning to think about, manage, and counterbalance it. Kind of like an advice column, but where I’m playing both roles—should be fun!
I am an anxious overthinker with a tendency to ruminate on all the possible ways that things can go sideways, either through bad luck or my own decisions. And when things go astray, I agonize over what I should have done differently.
These pesky "what if's" crop up at every point of uncertainty or misfortune, or even when I'm trying to enjoy my morning coffee:
Thanks for being here! I’m excited and nervous to dive in together.