The Things We Carry

The Things We Carry

Every day, I carry around a workstation, entertainment center, snack station, and medicine cabinet with me. For example, here's an inventory of wha...

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My wishes for you in 2023

Hi all, Why and how is it November already? Anyone else feel as if time got warped in 2020 and it may never straighten itself out again? I can't te...

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I'm 35 today.

I'm 35 today.

"How do you feel about turning x?" is a question you always get a lot around your birthday, and one that I've been asking myself. And as often the ...

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Why I joined the Etsy Strike

Why I joined the Etsy Strike

Hi! I'm closing my Etsy shop from April 11th to April 18th in response to Etsy's rising fees and anti-creator policies, and in solidarity with othe...

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